I work on the computer, but somehow I never quite thought my toddler would be able to get around on it-boy was I wrong!
When I was offered the chance to try out and review JumpStart.com, I was a little hesitant, because I really thought my son would be too young to get much from an educational online game-but again, boy was I wrong!
Jump Start is FANTASTIC for teaching kids, the award-winning adventure-based 3D virtual world is personalized, imaginative and really entertaining, all the while teaching math, reading, and critical thinking skills so kids get a real "jump start" in life.
Since I used to teach preschool, I understand how much of an advantage getting that little "jump start" on understanding basic math, letters, and critical thinking can be your our children once they start school. Not only will having these basic school skills learned give your child confidence in their new surroundings-which may be a bit of shock if they didn't go to day care or preschool-they will also give your child a strong basis for learning the next level!
What is also great about Jump Start? You have to register and your kid's profiles stay private, so you don't have to worry about their personal information ending up on the internet somewhere. Your kids can play in virtual worlds, work on their math skills and learn valuable life lessons-like the Golden Rule-while also having a world of fun! The best part? You can print out progress reports of how your child is doing at the game and what skills they might need extra help with. How wonderful is that? So while your child thinks they are just having fun on the computer, you can enjoy the fact they are learning, and you can learn what skills you need to spend extra working with them to improve! Fantastic!
JumpStart.com is created by an award winning early childhood learning company, and provided me with a free trial of JumpStart.com to try out with Little Dude, who is not yet 3. This review was not paid and the online interactive world of JumpStart.com is geared for ages 3-10. You can find out more about joining Jump Start here.