As a work from home mom, I stay busy all the time. Between staying on top of work deadlines, getting to play dates, the gym, the grocery store, playing at the park, cooking and cleaning, the days can be exhausting. And hard to keep track of!
So what is a busy mom to do? For now, it has worked for me to just simply have a pocket calender in my diaper bag filled to the gill with notes, messages, and instructions, all in the hopes I can keep juggling all the balls I have going!
Well, no more my friends, I have had the opportunity to try out an ingenious concept: Qlubb. Qlubb is the easy way to get all your items and groups organized on the same page, with plenty of room to put everything you need to do in a day.
You only have to go to Qlubb.com, sign up, and then you have access to easy group calendaring, shared sign-up sheets, online rsvp, and more! You have the ability to EASILY organize the activities in your children's classrooms, scout troops, religious groups, social groups, book clubs, work deadlines, meetings and family activities AND share this list with everyone you choose too-making it easy for everyone in your groups or family to keep up with upcoming events and dates!
With Qlubb, you can:
*Organize group events and activites online
*Eliminate email back and forth
*Eliminate reminders and nags of events and responsibilities
*Delegate Tasks to members
*Create a Secure website for your group
Qlubb has been a great way for me to get organized in this new year, and with Qlubb's help, I won't have to worry about being disorganized again!
And that, my friends, solves most of my headaches. Now if only potty training could be as easy...